petak, 17. kolovoza 2007.


Success, simply defined, means getting whatever you want. However simplistic that definition may be, most people would agree that a person who is successful in a certain field or area is so because he or she has managed to achieve something specific, and that something specific is a target or object which he or she had been wanting or desiring for prior to his or her attaining it.

Before we find out how to get anything you want in life, we must first get realistic.

What are some of the things which we may want but we truly and honestly know that we will never, ever get? Once you've got that list of impossible, unachievable things in your head and eliminate them, we may proceed.

Some examples may include: flying in the air by flapping your arms, make a pink mammoth materialise out of thin air, breathing in outer space, squaring a circle, etc.

Now what are those things which you've always desired yet have never come around to try to attain? These are things which you know are achievable for you, with a fair amount of effort on your part, yet something is holding you back from achieving them, either consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or not.

In order for you to get anything you want in life, you must make the rational decision to concretely define what you truly want and need. It is futile in the long run if you keep getting things out of your whims and impulsive desires rather than out of what you truly need to move you forward in life, in whatever context and whatever way you define that for yourself.

You can begin by asking yourself a few hard-hitting, honest questions about the direction your life is headed and your true motivations for desiring what you seek to have.

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