petak, 17. kolovoza 2007.


I am not sure about you but I find having to pay for web hosting as an irritating additional cost to my web business. For me, it is a bit like having to pay road tax. Perhaps I need to chill out a bit! I have now however found away to get around this frustration, a way which enables me to obtain web design with free hosting.

Some people think that I am a bit cheeky as I am always on the lookout for a bargain or a freebie; others think that I am just plain tight. In my opinion I am a bit of both. One day I used this cheeky part of my character in an attempt to obtain free web hosting.

I had contacted a man who was advertising his web design service in the yellow pages. I explained what I was looking for and I emailed him the content for my prospective new site. He stated that he would get back to me with a price.

Around two days this web designer phoned me to tell me how much it would cost, I was actually quite busy at the time and told him that I would get back to him. I had a feeling that this guy had hoped that I would just agree there and then and that he was slightly disappointed at having to wait.

Things were slightly manic on this particular week, my youngest son had food poisoning, my car had a temporary fault and I was snowed under with work. For these reasons I was unable to phone back the web designer to tell him to go ahead.

A week after phoning me to give me the quote, the web designer called me again and asked if I had decided to go ahead. I was quite taken aback by this and thought that the chap seemed quite desperate for business. Being aware that he probably had a reseller hosting account and taking advantage of the moment, I stated that I would if he could host the site for me on his server for free.

I was very pleased when he agreed to this offer and I have to say that I have not paid for web hosting since.

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