With increasing numbers of people becoming frustrated over traditional network marketing opportunities, it is easy to understand the increased interest in on-line direct selling programs. One such program is called Liberty League. If you have been trying to decide whether Liberty League, or any other on-line direct sales opportunity is right for you, here are several key factors to consider. First of all, any company you are considering should offer quality products that are easy to market to a wide range of consumers. They should have world wide marketing capabilities, and should be Internet based. The company should have an easy to understand pay plan, with the affiliate earning at least several hundred dollars on each transaction. I recommend a simple two tier pay plan.
How does the Liberty League program measure up? Liberty League markets a personal development program consisting of audios along with a workbook. The product is delivered by postal mail, rather than on the Internet. It can only be marketed in the U.S. and Canada. The enrollment fee is $1495 with an "Australian 2-up" pay plan. This means that as a Liberty League associate, you are required to forfeit $1000 from each of your first two sales to your sponsor. Add this amount to the enrollment fee, and you are giving up $3500 before you can start earning money for yourself. Also, when you sponsor affiliates and they become successful, they eventually break away from you, ultimately becoming your competitors.
In summary, Liberty League has a decent product that will appeal to a fair number of consumers, but lacks the option to be marketed world wide. The products delivery time is slower since it is mailed out instead being delivered via the Internet. However, having the audios to listen to anytime, along with having a work book could also be considered a benefit. The $1000 commissions are good, and the "two up pay plan" can potentially work well for the experienced marketer if he realizes that he will be giving up his initial two thousand dollars in earnings. The novice marketer, however may find Liberty Leagues program somewhat challenging. In conclusion, choose your online direct sales program carefully with the above key factors in mind. Otherwise you may waste your time and money getting scammed!
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