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Skating is an elegant sport. It is a sport which can charm and enthrall you and brings magic and enchantment in the air. When you see the performers glide on the skating ring effortlessly and perform stupendous antics, you are bound to feel awed by their talent.

The swirl, the jumps, the glide, the spins, and the twirls may look effortless on the surface but they take eons of perseverance and practice to reach to that perfectionist level. The attire of the skater is also very elegant and eye-catching yet suitable for the purpose of skating, such as leggings, or short skirts, or tight-fitting flexible pants.

There are various types of skating, such as roller skating, ice skating, skateboarding, and snowskating. Each one of the sport is fun and interesting in their own way.

However, amongst them, figure ice skating tends to be the favorite sport of many. Such a sport, performed on frozen ice, is not an easy task specially when it comes to jumping and landing with perfect ease and yet being careful not to put too much pressure on the ice. Figure skating can be performed individually, in couples, or in teams. There have been several competitions in figure skating such as World Championships, Winter Olympic Games, and European Figure Skating Championships.

Such championship events are a pleasure to watch because you come across all kinds of talents and performance at different levels. It is like watching a piece of art. Unlike other sports, which involve cheering, shouting, this is a sport, which imbues an air of sophistication and silent appreciation.


If you're a reader, Alzheimer's books are an easy way to educate yourself about your loved one's disease. There are literally hundreds of Alzheimer's books flooding the market today, everything from highly personal accounts of people suffering from the disease to the ubiquitous professional manuals on clinical data and research.

Which Alzheimer's books you choose to read is largely a matter of personal taste. The following five are classics that all address different aspects of Alzheimer's disease.

The Thirty-Six Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss Later in Life by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins

If you never spend money on another Alzheimer's book, make sure you buy this one. It is the Bible of Alzheimer's care, full of advice and sympathetic support from caregivers who've been there. Does your loved one try to remove his clothes in public? Does she wander at night? Is he refusing baths? Is she refusing food? Whatever the problem, this down-to-earth guide addresses it with both tenderness and frankness.

Talking to Alzheimer's: Simple Ways to Connect When You Visit With A Family Member or Friend by Claudia J. Strauss

This Alzheimer's book provides simple, compassionate conversation starters to help you communicate with your loved one in a nursing home. If she doesn't talk much, or if he always begs to be allowed to come home with you, this book will offer you gentle suggestions for easing the tension and finding more pleasant topics of conversation. If you've been avoiding visiting your loved one because you don't know what to say, this addition to your library is a must.

Alzheimer's Activities: Hundreds of Activities for Men and Women with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders by B.J. Fitzray

"Mom just sits there all day doing nothing." If this is your complaint, then this Alzheimer's book is definitely worth checking into. Suggested activities range from elaborate outings and gourmet baking projects to simple tasks like folding clothes or drying dishes. And, with a hundred activities to choose from, you're sure to find at least a few that will spark your loved one's interest.

Your Name Is Hughes Hannibal Shanks: A Caregiver's Guide to Alzheimer's by Lela Knox Shanks and Steven H. Zarit

This book is written from the point of view of a woman who cared for her Alzheimer's-stricken husband at home. The tone is supportive, candid, and matter-of-fact. Mrs. Shanks never slips into self pity as she admits her mistakes and details her triumphs. If you find comfort in reading about people who have successfully walked the path that you are on, this is the Alzheimer's book for you.

The Forgetting: Alzheimer's: Portrait of an Epidemic by David Shenk.

Far from being dry and academic, this history of Alzheimer's disease reads more like a suspense novel. Shenk details the first diagnosis of Alzheimer's, current methods of treatment and support, and cutting edge scientific research.

This list of Alzheimer's books offers some suggestions to get your library started. As you look through the available literature, you'll probably find some of your own favorites to add. Whether you're into holistic treatment methods or scientific explanations, there's an Alzheimer's book out there for you.


Beagles are one of the best kinds of dogs to have as a family pet, you only have to ask our two children aged 5 and 15.

Hunting dogs, (well, yes they were breed for that) tearing up rabbits, and hares yes, but bad publicity is something the Beagle can do without, as with any breed of animal there is always a bad one out there (the same as humans I suppose!)

Ours is a daft and loveable hound, stand on his paw by accident and no you don't get bitten, he just rolls over. The fact was when we came to buy another dog (you know you look at all different breeds, be it at the shops, parks or country game fairs, I'm sure some people must have thought we were planning on stealing their dog at some point, when all four members of the family start to look at the animal and coos of delight come from our children, to see dogs out and in real situations is the best way to see how they interract with many different situations. One big one is children, especially important when having any in the home, as if a dog is bought back from the pound it could have had a bad experience with a child and therefore be aggressive with children.

We visited a breeder for Scooby and was shown his parents and grandparents, even had them sniff our son who was only a few weeks old at the time, (I must say I did feel totally safe with them all, going into a pack of hounds is not something I had done before, but glad I did). Scooby is a great lump full of love and affection for everyone, he doesn't like certain people though (good judge of character in most cases) and I am sure if push came to shove he would protect us if someone were to try to hurt a member of the family.

Exercise wise you always think biggish dog, must need lots of walks, but no you are wrong to think that, he has a nice long walk once and day, and then he is bushed, his best form of exercise is lolling in front of the Aga and only moving when he is forced to (hot pans not a good look from his angle). Very strong though, I sometimes think it is him taking me for a walk not the other way around.

Hard to obedience train though (most of our dogs have been though, so maybe not purely the dogs fault!) My husband tries to blame me and say that after buying the Beagle Handbook of Obedience that everyone including the poor dog is confused,(the book is Amercian and words don't always have the same meaning as in England for example "Down" means to get off in America, whereas "Down" here means lie to most dogs and owners. Also "lie" means to lie down, try saying that though and our five year old tells us not to tell Scooby to say untruths, (I ask you what are you suppossed to do?) Even Scooby got feed up though and ate the sticky note pad with the training words on it.

Maintenance wise a doddle, no long wet hair after a walk in the rain, as the coat just seems to shrug off a quick brush over once a week, and his fur is back to a1 condition (no high maintenance costs here, no cuts, dematting or clipping). Doesn't even have to have his nails clipped (well at the age of 5 nearly six he hasn't yet).

Sociable and loveable are the words that sum up Scooby, I'm sure the whole family would agree.


There are very few treadmills that can stack up with the Pro Form 495 pi treadmill. Pro form is notorious for their great quality, and this machine is no exception.

Pro form treadmills offer a machine for any budget. Whether you are looking for a top of the line machine or an economical one that is sufficient for your workout needs, Pro form has an offering for you. This article is a review of the Pro Form 495 pi treadmill and how it can benefit your health.

Here are some of the features offered by the Pro Form 495 pi treadmill. First of all, this model is perfect if you are on a budget and simply looking for a machine with some basic features to help you with your workout goals. If you are looking for a top of the line machine, then probably isn’t the right option for you.

One big pluses for these machines is that they offer moving arms which will allow your upper body plenty of room during the workout. Also, these machines fold very simply, ensuring you can fit it into even the tightest of spaces.

However keep in mind that the pro form 495 pi tread belt is not quite up to par with a few other of it’s competitors models. Therefore, you are sacrificing some luxury for price.

Generally, as stated above, these machines are intended for those on a budget. If you invest in one of these machines, you won’t receive a flashy display, style, advanced features and superior cushioning system in the basic variants of these crosswalk treadmills. You get the necessities, and that’s it.

Despite its’ lack of options and luxury features, if you simply want a great machine that will meet your treadmill needs, the pro form 495 pi treadmill is right for you. No, it doesn’t offer a lot of luxury and add-ons that other machines might, but it certainly will help you to reach your workout goals, whatever they may be. Therefore, if you are on a budget, then certainly the pro form 495 pi should be at the top of your shopping list.



Why boost metabolism? Because that flab around your waste is merely a symptom...

"Of what," you ask?

A slow metabolism! If you are overweight you can rest assured that you have a slow metabolism.

Do you want to lose weight fast?

Sure, you may lose a few pounds by making some lifestyle changes, but until you learn how to boost metabolism your weight loss results will be less than desired. In other words, your weight loss will be a struggle!

Your body is a system and every part of that system uses energy from the food you eat in order to operate efficiently. In fact, your body is using energy at this very moment to move your eyes across this page. The level of efficiency with which your body converts food into energy is called metabolism.

There are 4 things that influence your metabolism:

  • Hydration - The amount of water you drink.
  • Eating Habits - How and when you eat.
  • Nutrition - Your diet.
  • Fitness Level

Lack any of these 4 fundamentals and there is a very good chance you will be overweight. The truth is that you probably lack all of them... You are not alone, most people lack them, which is why we have an obesity epidemic!

Unfortunately most diets and other weight loss methods including drugs, pills and surgery do not address the fundamentals and therefore do not lead to desirable results. These weight loss methods are designed for fast results that don't last!

Some of the more popular ways to lose weight these days are through severe calorie restriction and cutting carbs. These methods can produce fast results because the body is forced to use other available energy supplies. However, on such diets the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs to function. Lack of nutrition leads to inefficient metabolism. This is the reason why nearly every person who uses one of these weight loss methods gains the weight all right back. In many cases they gain more back because of the negative impact these methods have on their metabolism.

To effectively boost metabolism and experience fast, lasting weight loss, you must address hydration, eating habits, nutrition and fitness level. Here are 4 simple things you can do to address each of these 4 fundamentals:


Success, simply defined, means getting whatever you want. However simplistic that definition may be, most people would agree that a person who is successful in a certain field or area is so because he or she has managed to achieve something specific, and that something specific is a target or object which he or she had been wanting or desiring for prior to his or her attaining it.

Before we find out how to get anything you want in life, we must first get realistic.

What are some of the things which we may want but we truly and honestly know that we will never, ever get? Once you've got that list of impossible, unachievable things in your head and eliminate them, we may proceed.

Some examples may include: flying in the air by flapping your arms, make a pink mammoth materialise out of thin air, breathing in outer space, squaring a circle, etc.

Now what are those things which you've always desired yet have never come around to try to attain? These are things which you know are achievable for you, with a fair amount of effort on your part, yet something is holding you back from achieving them, either consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or not.

In order for you to get anything you want in life, you must make the rational decision to concretely define what you truly want and need. It is futile in the long run if you keep getting things out of your whims and impulsive desires rather than out of what you truly need to move you forward in life, in whatever context and whatever way you define that for yourself.

You can begin by asking yourself a few hard-hitting, honest questions about the direction your life is headed and your true motivations for desiring what you seek to have.


When it comes to purchasing a pair of night vision ski goggles or any kind of ski goggles for that matter, there are a number of things that you as the wearer must take into consideration. It is important that not only do they fit correctly but they also feel comfortable and you know that they will protect you when required.

Certainly there are many sites on the internet today where you can buy night vision ski goggles and it is best to carry out a comparison both on price and the style of goggles that they have to offer before you make a purchase.

When it comes to choosing your goggles it is important that you choose them in the same way as you would choose a new pair of shoes. It is important that they fit well and at all times they should be strapped well on to your hat or helmet when you are wearing them.

Also when it comes to wearing the goggles the foam that is around the googles should feel comfortable at all times and should not place any unwanted pressure on any particular part of the face at any time whilst being worn. Also there should be no kind of gap between your skin and the goggles themselves. If too much air is allowed to gain access to the eye area of the wearer this can actually cause their eyes to become dry.

As well as ensuring that the goggles fit you properly it is important that you purchase a pair which are in fact compatible with the helmet that you will wear normally when you are skiing.

By ensuring that the goggles and helmet are compatible will ensure that the night vision ski goggles actually fit securely on to your face whilst being worn with the helmet. It is important that they do not either stretch or bend when you are fitting them over your helmet or you will find that they allow air to pass through and cause problems to your eyes when skiing which could result in your safety becoming compromised as you ski.

Ricky is a night vision googles enthusiast. Visit his website today for more information on night


I have many mentors. In fact, I have a “dream team” of support. I need it and I am not ashamed to admit that.

My life is wonderful! In fact I just said to my coach today, I am a bit out of balance right this moment. Actually those are not the words I used, (I will tell you that he roared out loud and thought my choice of words was funny!) and yet I am very happy!

And…I am…

And…My life, like most of yours is very, very busy.

I need a team of experts to support me along the way. That does not take away from the busyness that I choose to live with, however it does lighten the load and help me stay focused and directed.

Years ago a very wise mentor said to me, “Laura, if you want to be successful in business, you have to stay focused.” He went on to say to me, “that being busy is not being focused, in fact, all action with no outcome is the same as no action at all.”

I know exactly what he meant when he said that to me. And that is why I have my “dream team” of support to keep me focused. Being in action has never been an issue for me, however, staying focused has been.

It is powerful to be in a place when you can recognize your weaknesses and work with them by building a support team around you.

What is a “dream team” anyway?

The beauty about this concept is that it is not one size fits all. You get to choose your team of support.

This morning on the Today Show one of the regulars was talking about how we unconsciously “crave” community and connection with others. And for many of us, we are so inundated by work and family that we forget how important that need is…and we need a team of support there to remind us of what we really value and what matters most to us. Some examples of a “dream team” are a coach, a therapist, a friend, a co-worker. Or someone from your church/temple, reading group, a group of friends that share your favorite hobby .

There is no one combination of support that is right for everyone. Quite the contrary. The beauty is that you get to create it however you need it.

One of the things I say to my clients when I begin working with them is that “I am one of many” means of support for you. I suggest that they have support between our calls to keep them on track.

I strongly believe that people would be happier if they accepted support and stopped resisting it. As a life coach I help people, determine their values, and get clear about their vision, mission, purpose and goals. Then together we determine specific action steps to help them achieve those goals. Often times that action does not happen unless other support is brought in. It is through the community of support that you can achieve balance in your life while still accomplishing your business and personal goals.

What is out of balance in your life? What goals are out there that you really want to achieve? What group or allies, your “dream team” can you reach out to today? You know who they are. The challenge from me right now is for you to pick up the phone by the end of the day and call someone to support you on your quest.

This person or group is waiting to support you. And if they cannot, try someone else until you get a yes! You do not have to take anything on alone. A life raft is just a phone call away. Email me your progress at

Laura Fenamore, CPCC, is a gifted Body Esteem and Life Coach. Laura's company "Journey To Balance" is devoted to helping others find balance in their lives as well as celebrating their bodies and their health. Her vision is living in a world where health and body image are celebrated. Please visit, to receive a free gift today.


Tiger Woods recently won his 13 major championship of his career. He is on pace to easily surpass Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 major professional championships. Over the past decade, Woods is recognized as the best golfer in that time period. At the same time, many argue that he is the best golfer of all time. Wherever he ends up in terms of his historical standing, it is simple to recognize that he is a special talent.

Tiger has been winning golf tournaments since he was a young man. As a teenager, he was a repeat winner of both the US Junior Amateur and the US Amateur. In addition to his 50+ wins on the PGA tour, he amassed dozens of other victories around the world. It is safe to conclude that Woods knows how to win.

After he won his last major, he was being interviewed by the press. A comment he made caught my attention. He was asked if it was the fact that he has seen almost every shot imaginable that made him so tough to beat. His reply was that this was not what made him so effective. According to Woods, he is more capable of winning now than in his younger days because “he learned how to win”. An amazing statement coming from a man who was winning golf tournaments at an age when the rest of us were battling acne.

Further into the interview, Tiger mentioned that he gained a feeling of how to win. It is something that has developed as a result of being in a position to win. Invariably, he learned a lesson in the defeats as well as the victories. This brings up the question, have you learned how to win? Do you know what it takes to succeed in your chosen field? Have you acquired the feel of how to win in life?

Many have written how life is a “contact sport”. Unfortunately, most choose to avoid those situations that will lead to their growth. They fail to get involved in their own lives. As Thoreau said, “most people lead lives of quiet desperation”. Instead of moving forward, the majority trudge along hoping someday that things will change. Naturally, this rarely occurs. To excel, we must be proactive in our approach to our circumstances.

Regardless of the endeavor, success leaves clues. We can increase our chances of success if we do the things that the successful do. Repeating the activity that produced the intended results moves us instantly closer to getting the same outcome. There is no need to create the model ourselves. It is much easier to “copycat” our way to the top.

However, as Tiger mentioned, there is another factor to consider. Any golfer in the world can emulate Woods' preparation, on course strategy, and swing pattern. If the talent exists, that individual will experience a level of success that is greater than they had before. The other professionals might achieve success close to what Tiger enjoyed. Yet, until they learn how to win, they will not operate at a sustained level. The performance begins to fall off over time.

Life is exactly the same way. There are certain actions we can take to improve the quality of our lives. Nevertheless, we must acquire the “feel for winning”. This is done by putting ourselves in those situations that will teach us what we need to do. Engaging in life rather than succumbing to fear is the best way to approach it. We will experience defeat in the form of rejection, failure, embarrassment, and disappointment. It is through these negative experiences that we grow and are better able to handle the opportunities in the future.

Tiger has won 13 major championships. That means he has also lost over 30 of them since he has competed in more than 40 majors. While he maintains an outstanding ratio, his true excellence is that he learns from each experience. When things do not work out as he intended, he uses that knowledge to make himself better in the next one. Follow this strategy in your daily life and see how quickly your life moves to the next level.


You’ve practiced and practice and now it’s time to put everything you’ve learned to good use. Your first audition is just around the corner and you’re getting a little nervous. Whether you are trying out for your local theater or a spot in a very prestigious company you need to be prepared.

Not being prepared will not only seriously hurt your chances at making it to the stage, but you’ll be wasting valuable time and money. Here are some tips that will help you get through your audition and onto the stage.

  • Arrive at least fifteen minutes early so that you have time to scope the place out and find a nice place to warm up. It’s never a good idea to rush right into the audition room. You’ll be flustered and those on the panel will not take your audition very seriously.
  • Make sure you have practiced any combinations that you will need to know going into the audition. If you have a specific routine that you are going to be doing, make sure you know it inside and out.
  • Check with the company your auditioning for and find out if they have any specific requirements when it comes to what you need to wear. If nothing is specified, a black leotard and pink tights is always a safe bet.
  • Make sure you have a clean appearance. That means no holes in your clothing; hair that is clean and pulled back; and makeup kept to the bare minimum.
  • Make sure you remove any watches, necklaces, bracelets, or rings. If you plan on wearing earrings make sure they are very simple and close to the ears; nothing that dangles.
  • Be aware of anything that the company requires you to bring to your audition. Many places require an audition fee, letters of recommendation, and photos. If you do need photos, make sure you have them taken in advance and that you have several shots so you can pick the best one for the audition? Being ill prepared for an audition will guarantee that you’ll have to wait around till the next one for your big chance.
  • After making sure you’re well prepared, one of the most important things you can do is look like you’re enjoying what you’re doing. There is a possibility that you will be on stage working with others in front of a large audience. An excellent candidate is someone who is enjoying what they’re doing; who smiles a lot and sincerely; and who appears to be at home on the stage. You’ve made it this far, shows them why.
  • If your are required to wear Pointe shoes, which you most likely will be, make sure that you don’t wear that old ratty pair that are comfortable to dance in but look less than presentable. On the other end of the spectrum, it’s not a wise decision to wear a brand new pair because it will make your audition very uncomfortable and you won’t be able to give your best performance.
  • Keep those things in mind and you should be fine. If all else fails, remember, there are many dancers auditioning and they can’t choose everyone. There will be a next time. Your first audition can serve as great practice and can help you better prepare for next time.


With increasing numbers of people becoming frustrated over traditional network marketing opportunities, it is easy to understand the increased interest in on-line direct selling programs. One such program is called Liberty League. If you have been trying to decide whether Liberty League, or any other on-line direct sales opportunity is right for you, here are several key factors to consider. First of all, any company you are considering should offer quality products that are easy to market to a wide range of consumers. They should have world wide marketing capabilities, and should be Internet based. The company should have an easy to understand pay plan, with the affiliate earning at least several hundred dollars on each transaction. I recommend a simple two tier pay plan.

How does the Liberty League program measure up? Liberty League markets a personal development program consisting of audios along with a workbook. The product is delivered by postal mail, rather than on the Internet. It can only be marketed in the U.S. and Canada. The enrollment fee is $1495 with an "Australian 2-up" pay plan. This means that as a Liberty League associate, you are required to forfeit $1000 from each of your first two sales to your sponsor. Add this amount to the enrollment fee, and you are giving up $3500 before you can start earning money for yourself. Also, when you sponsor affiliates and they become successful, they eventually break away from you, ultimately becoming your competitors.

In summary, Liberty League has a decent product that will appeal to a fair number of consumers, but lacks the option to be marketed world wide. The products delivery time is slower since it is mailed out instead being delivered via the Internet. However, having the audios to listen to anytime, along with having a work book could also be considered a benefit. The $1000 commissions are good, and the "two up pay plan" can potentially work well for the experienced marketer if he realizes that he will be giving up his initial two thousand dollars in earnings. The novice marketer, however may find Liberty Leagues program somewhat challenging. In conclusion, choose your online direct sales program carefully with the above key factors in mind. Otherwise you may waste your time and money getting scammed!


With increasing numbers of people becoming frustrated over traditional network marketing opportunities, it is easy to understand the increased interest in on-line direct selling programs. One such program is called Liberty League. If you have been trying to decide whether Liberty League, or any other on-line direct sales opportunity is right for you, here are several key factors to consider. First of all, any company you are considering should offer quality products that are easy to market to a wide range of consumers. They should have world wide marketing capabilities, and should be Internet based. The company should have an easy to understand pay plan, with the affiliate earning at least several hundred dollars on each transaction. I recommend a simple two tier pay plan.

How does the Liberty League program measure up? Liberty League markets a personal development program consisting of audios along with a workbook. The product is delivered by postal mail, rather than on the Internet. It can only be marketed in the U.S. and Canada. The enrollment fee is $1495 with an "Australian 2-up" pay plan. This means that as a Liberty League associate, you are required to forfeit $1000 from each of your first two sales to your sponsor. Add this amount to the enrollment fee, and you are giving up $3500 before you can start earning money for yourself. Also, when you sponsor affiliates and they become successful, they eventually break away from you, ultimately becoming your competitors.

In summary, Liberty League has a decent product that will appeal to a fair number of consumers, but lacks the option to be marketed world wide. The products delivery time is slower since it is mailed out instead being delivered via the Internet. However, having the audios to listen to anytime, along with having a work book could also be considered a benefit. The $1000 commissions are good, and the "two up pay plan" can potentially work well for the experienced marketer if he realizes that he will be giving up his initial two thousand dollars in earnings. The novice marketer, however may find Liberty Leagues program somewhat challenging. In conclusion, choose your online direct sales program carefully with the above key factors in mind. Otherwise you may waste your time and money getting scammed!


Although international prepaid calling cards have become a powerhouse technological system generating billions of dollars, you might be surprised to know that it was first developed three decades ago. The history of prepaid calling cards is as interesting and amusing as other modern invention stories that you may have heard before. The cards were originally made in Europe then reached America after a decade. Today, almost every nation in the world has a variety of international prepaid calling cards available.

The 70's

In 1975 SIDA, a producer and distributor of vending machines in Italy began experimenting with the idea of making calling cards. The idea was to replace coins being used for payphones since medal coins were in shortage and theft and vandalism was rampant. The first batch of made prepaid calling cards were released into the market in 1976.

These were very slim cards from cardboards and got stuck on more than one occasion. They operated via a magnetic strip at the back of the card that can be scanned by new special phones upon insertion of the card. The idea of paying per minute was already incorporated in this pioneer batch.

In 1977, the popularity of the new prepaid calling cards rose after one year and nearby countries in Europe like Sweden, France, the United Kingdom and Austria also started using the system and manufacturing cards. The magnetic strip validation was the key trait of the cards. A year later, Nelson G. Bardini from Brazil used inductive technology to improve international prepaid calling cards. There are sequences of coils that identified how much is used up in the card.

The 80's

The new cards using inductive technology was presented at the national inventors' exhibition in 1982. Japan also began manufacturing prepaid calling cards which sold several thousands daily. The Nippon Telephone and Telegraph company was the first in Japan to adapt to the new system. In 1984, France developed the technology by using chip-based "smart cards".

Three years later, World Telecom Group, Siemens and General Electric manufactured magstripe cards which contained information. This is the same technology used by credit cards today. In 1988, the first catalogue of telecards was released in England by Dr. Steve Hiscocks. In 1989, AT&T invested in the system as well producing several thousands of cards daily.

The 90's

In 1990, the non-magstripe calling card was made by Regional Bell Operating Company in New York which involved dialing a toll-free access number. The caller would then input the Personal Identification Number or PIN. This new system started the rise of international prepaid calling cards since it was very versatile and allowed access to any phone in the world. By 1995, over six hundred million dollars in sales were made from international prepaid calling cards.

The 2000's

Sales continued to soar well into the 21st century counting in the billions. The system replaced most collect call systems and coin payphones and continued to develop with other gadgets as well like cellular phones and the internet. With its continuous success, international prepaid calling cards are definitely here to stay.


Before we touch on the issue of learning foreign languages, here's a fact of life for you.

People seldom do what they "should" do, but they almost always achieve what they "must".

Yes, we all get what we must have.

But the fact is, when most people declare "I must...", they don't mean it.

Are you one of them?

I was about to give you the dictionary definitions of the words "should" and " must" but then I changed my mind because I'm sure you know what they mean.

You see, "I Should" refers to what you ought to do or the right thing to do; "I Must", on the other hand, indicates no room for compromises... It's a requirement or an obligation.

People do what they truly consider "must"s, whereas they might "try their best" to (but do not necessarily) do their "should"s.

Your mastering of a new language is a "must" not a "should".

Keep telling that to yourself.

Driven individuals are people who leave themselves no choice except for reaching their goals. They would not settle for anything less than what they can do.

And the rest people just HOPE for the best.

If you were one of those who HOPE things to happen, I'd like you to stop "wanting" to achieve the language goal that you have set for yourself. And I'd like you to stop saying things to yourself like "I'd very much like to achieve my language goal", "It would be good if I can achieve my language goal" or "I'd rather achieve my language goals".

Take a moment to imagine the following scenarios:

- I smile to you and say, "I'd be happy for you if you can actually achieve your language goal."
- I say to you encouragingly, "If you achieve your goal, I'll give you a nice little reward."
- I point a gun to your head and say, "You don't have a choice. I'll kill you if you don't achieve you language goal."

Don't take that as a joke

Let your imagination run wild. Imagine that really happened. Which scenario would more likely drive you to take action?

The third one, without a doubt.

Now repeat the following:

"I must achieve my language goal. It is not a hope. It is not a wish It is a must, because I have no choice."

Repeat it out loud. I am serious. Say it out loud, not just in your mind!


Self discipline requires you to be able to take appropriate action regardless of the emotional state you are in. It is a conscious decision that will take you through whatever you have set your mind upon.

It does not happen overnight, it takes time to build. An analogy of self discipline would be building of endurance. You start off with small steps and gradually progress to a higher level. Your effort has to be consistent and it must not be effected by external conditions such as mood, fatique or time.

Everyone has a different level of self discipline but it doesn't mean that they have to stay at that level. Your current state of self discipline has a lot to do with your way of thinking and the type of lifestyle you choose. A person with lower self discipline isn't neccessarily weaker in his will except that he may not be conscious at this point about what he wants and has not taken the appropriate action to achieve it. On the other hand, a well discipline person may not be strong will or have a great character, but at some point in his life, he has decided on what he wants and makes a conscious effort to change his situation. Hence, everyone in some point of their lives can make a conscious decision to take control of their situation and make changes to their lifestyle.

It is a common mistake to set your expectations too high initially, when it comes to self discipline. Since your mind is not condition for the work , you give up when you don’t see the results coming through. Very often we hear people talk about how self discipline a person is or isn’t and we jump to conclusion about the person’s character. Sure, a person’s character and determination will affect his decision to take action in the beginning. However, overtime even a man of great persistent will give up if he doesn’t see any results. Self discipline is not about how well you start , but how you carry yourself through in times of trial and adversary. It is a journey not a destination.

The trick to doing it is take small achieveable steps. Do it consistently without fail until you see results. ( its much easier to do simpler , repeatative task ) Naturally these results will motivate you to take the next level and over time, a habit is formed and your mind is convinced. A thing to note here is that you must not be complacent. Once you have achieve your target, you must alway tell yourself you can do more. That way, you stay motivated which is the key to self discipline.

Rene ng has been in internet marketing since 2005. He has written many articles pertaining to online marketing and self improvement. He is active in the online scene and currently does affiliate marketing for a living.


Long distance today is getting cheaper and cheaper. You should no longer be paying those expensive monthly fees or outrageous per minute billing rates. The secret to slashing your long distance bill is to use a discount long distance rate, pretty simple right?

Here are some tips to be sure you choose the right provider:

Figure out what fits your needs. Look at the details of each long distance calling plan you are considering. What are the in-state (intrastate) rates and what are the state-to-state (inter-state) rates for each plan. Often you will find in-state rates are more expensive then state-to-state so keep that in mind if you make a lot of in-state calls. It is possible to use a different provider for each type of call if you use a dial-around or calling card.

Be aware of any monthly recurring fees. Some carriers charge a monthly access fee in order to make long distance calls at a discount rate. This is ok if you make a lot of calls however if you are not careful, you could actually lose money if you don’t make any calls at all. For example if you talk an average 20 minutes per month at 2.9 cents per minute and there is a $4.95 monthly fee then in reality this means you have paid an outrageous 27.65 cents per minute. This is highly overlooked so be aware when you are evaluating providers.

Check to see if there are connection fees. Some calling plans have a connection fee in order to connect your long distance call. This is especially true when making an international calls or when using a calling card. Be sure you read the fine print on this one.

Check if there a minimum per minute charge. Be sure there isn’t a minimum charge when connecting your call. For instance, some companies will connect your call and it may only last 3 minutes however they charge a minimum of 5 or 10 minutes. This is especially true when making international calls or using a calling card.

International Calls. This can be tricky if you call more than one country. You may have the cheapest rate calling one country and pay a higher rate to call another. Take the time and be sure you are getting the best rate you can possibly get; this can really save you a ton of money. Calling cards are usually much cheaper than making calls from a standard telephone as long as you use all of the above criteria when selecting a provider.

Check USF Fee. The universal service fund fee is a fee paid to the government and cannot be avoided. The average is about 9% today however most phone companies charge much more than this. It cannot be applied to in-state calls however if you make a lot of state-to-state calls you will be subject to this tax.

If you follow this guide you should rest assured that you have chosen the best possible provider. Be sure to check back with your provider frequently and be sure your rates are still the best. As technology continues to change it will drive competition and make prices cheaper. I would check at least once every six months to ensure you are still getting the best rate you possibly can.


The Question

On occasion, my opening question at an English Language Teaching (ELT) conference is, “How many countries have English as a first or official language?” To twist the screw just a bit more I add,

“You’re all English teachers, so you should know where the language is spoken, right?”

They agree that they should and for the next few minutes set about fathoming the English as a first or official language list.

More squirming, a few shouted out queries and I let the pressure off.

“How many do you have on your list?”

Rarely does the number exceed ten or fifteen.

Take a moment; how many can YOU list?

The Response

“Would you like to see my list?” I ask.

You know what the response unanimously is.

“Do you think that is something that might be useful for an English teacher to know?”

A resounding “Yes!” always follows.

The List

In truth, at this writing there are at least thirty-five countries that have English as a first or official language!


I want you to try thinking of the most important parts of your wedding reception. What comes to mind? Maybe you’re thinking about your wedding cake and all the traditions surrounding it. Well the wedding cake is definitely a very important part of your celebration. Your cake is the central decorative facet of the party that pulls together the whole theme and makes all the planning worth while.

When your wedding cake comes out, you want your guests to draw in a breath of wonder and excitement because they’ve been stunned by your decorating prowess and unique taste for the perfect theme, decorations, and impressive cake. Then you and your newly wedded spouse cut the cake, take the first messy bites, and essentially seal off the party with ear splitting cheers and crazy laughter from your merry guests. A great way to extend the symbolism and perfection of your cake is to give out miniature cake wedding favors to your guests. You can find these wedding favors in the forms of candles, porcelain creations, or even shaped crystal. Whatever media you choose, mini cake wedding favors are sure to impress your guests; here are a few examples of what you can give the friends and family that shared your wedding celebration with you.

Cake Candle:
This two and a half inch candle come sin either blue or white, whichever you believe fits your theme, or try mixing up the colors to add a little more zest. Each candle is exquisitely detailed with pearls and swag decorations. These candles look good enough to eat because they are so finely crafted with care for your special guests. Sitting atop the three-tier wedding cake candle is an artful bow. This candle is sure to be the perfect representation of your dream wedding cake.

Cake Cardholder:
This place card holder has a cake at the bottom that seems to be real with mock pearl designs and sprinkled heart shapes all over the three tiers. The actual card holder is a swirl at the top that will leave your guests very satisfied and relieved to see their name calling them to their seats where they will enjoy a comfortable chair, a great meal, and intimate conversation with the other guests at their table.

Wedding Cake Cut Out Frames:
These frames are useful as a place card holder or somewhere to put a personal message or photograph of you and each guest. The top of the frame has the image of a multi tiered wedding cake in gold. The frame itself is white, so it can fit in with any color scheme and the cake on the top will add a little sparkle and pizzazz to you already elegant table. Try placing each frame in a little sprinkling of silver and gold glitter to really make it all pop out at your guests and catch the attention of their eyes when they are looking for their place at the tables.


Even if you feel that the hourly rate is not negotiable, you should still review it. If you have many years of experience, are certified and highly regarded, then maybe it is time to ask for an increase in your hourly rate. You might also try to get a set rate for the job rather than an hourly rate. However, even if you are content to stay with the offered hourly rate, be on the lookout for other things that can be negotiated.


Independent contractors may feel that they do not have much negotiating power. They are told what the hourly rate is and the number of hours expected and they feel that there is not much, if anything, to negotiate. They also have the notion that if they don’t agree to the terms, someone else will and they will lose the business. Nevertheless, I believe that everything is negotiable. Here are some tips to consider when trying to negotiate the best deal for your independent contractor assignment.

Everything is Negotiable.

Although at first glance it may look as though you do not have much leverage in negotiating; look again. Although it is understandable that each company has its own rates or standards and is reluctant to make changes to those rates, try to determine what can be negotiated before you accept an assignment.

A. Hourly rate.


It is really true "whatever we think about, we bring about." Our thoughts create our reality and our feelings attract our circumstances. The Law of Attraction is a fascinating concept which most people embrace with passion and hopefulness. Even if you have only skimmed the surface of this great Universal Law you will have seen some signs that clearly indicate it exists. However, are you fully utilizing this great power to your advantage? Have you attracted those things into your life that were hitherto out of reach? If not, perhaps its time you did! The point of this article is to give you the tools you need to begin getting the full benefit of the Law Of Attraction. You can have ANYTHING you want. You just need to know how to get it. Knowledge is power but only when its used. So please don't just read this article and file it away for future reference or until you think you need it. Read it and apply the message within. You will dramatically change your life for the better. If you have used methods for activating the law Of Attraction before and experienced little or no results then this article is for you. We are going to learn how to turbo-charge your attraction skills and launch you on the road to a new life. The simple fact is; if you've done inner and outer work for using the Law of Attraction but seen any compensation for your hard work then there's something your doing wrong or to be more precise - something you aren't doing at all!

Although only a few factors are missing in many people's understanding of the Law of Attraction, these factors are critical to success if you plan to use it.

1. Most people fail to get specific. They have a vague notion of what they want. For instance "I want to be rich", "I want a new car" or "I want a relationship". What size of house do you want. In what neighbourhood is that house. Is it red brick or painted white? What colour is the carpet etc.? Exactly what does rich mean to you? Put a figure on it! Realize, as well, that there are thousands of new cars all around you everyday. What type of car do you want? What make, model, colour etc? Be as specific about the outcome as you can be. Fact! - If you get really specific about your outcome (not how you will get it but the thing itself) then the quicker you see results.

2. Many people think they know the best way to manifest their dreams and the best time-frame for it to happen. Leave that up to the Universe. It knows how best to manifest your desires and it knows how to do it a lot faster than you do. Get very specific about your desire, down to intricate details, but be very flexible about the way in which that desire will manifest! Don't say "I want a new house by next week". This is ambiguous and demanding. Be specific about the type of house, its location, colour, décor, furnishing, number of rooms, gardens etc. Then release the how's and when's and let the Universe deliver it! This does not mean you should not or can not create some kind of plan that will lead to your desire. Having a plan is taking action. Taking action opens up channels of distribution that the Universe can use to deliever your goal. However, not not get caught up in the how's of you dreams. Many people forget what the aim is and end up being far too focused on achieving the plan! Do follow a plan but be open and flexible to change. Your plan is merely a vehicle through which your desire can manifest, it is NOT your goal! Ensure that you are fully open to receiving your goal through whatever channel it may come. The Universe is infinte and there are an infinite number of ways the Universe could send your desire to you.

3. A cause of failure, to achieve results with the Law Of Attraction, for many, lies in the failure to generate the required emotion when visualising, affirming or just thinking about their desire. They have a false belief that by just visualizing for a short time they can magically produce their dreams from thin air. This is not the case! You must evoke the feelings that are associated with your desire. Why do you want that new home? Why do you desire that particular car, in that specific colour? Imagine how it will feel to receive the thing you are asking for and start to feel that way now!

4. You must take some action. Action is necessary. This entire Universal vibrating energy is an 'ocean of motion", "in whiach we live, move and have our being". The world is continually changing on a second by second basis. In order to receive what you want you must change also. You must align yourself with your desire. Take some small steps towards your goal, even if its just test driving that new car or looking for a new home. This is a powerful and clear indication that you truly believe that the Universe (Divine Intelligence or God) is going to deliver the thing that you have requested. When you receive creative insights about how you might help in the manifestation of your desires act on those inner urges immediately. Now many times in my own life I have developed a plan to achieve, manifest or attract something. Once I have got clear on exactly what I wanted I would begin the manifestation process and start using the Law Of attraction to bring it to me. On every occasion when I have failed to take some action I would not manifest my desire. However, in every occasion when I took, even extremely small steps, towards my goal I received what I had asked for. At this point some sceptics would say I only received because I worked for it, but you and I know better. The all occasions "coincidences" would occur that allowed opportunities to fall into my lap and a great many times, when I would be working on a detailed plan to achieve my objective, I would receive the manifestation through a completely unexpected and unrelated source.

Taking action is mostly a sign of faith on your part. You are showing the Universe that you are serious in your intent and you are willing to meet It halfway. So follow the steps above. Put them into practise and take little steps forward everyday and your life will be unrecognisable in the not too distant future.


) First use painter's tape, or even a colored ribbon and some thumbtacks, to tape off the ceiling into smaller areas. Sort of like painting using a grid system.

2) Darken the room as much as possible. Keep the torchlight handy to help you move around in the dark.

3) Expose the glow paint to sunlight or a strong source of light, like a Compact Flourescent Lamp, for about 5 minutes. Now when you take the paint into the darkened room, you will notice how it glows in the dark!

4) Dip the paint brush in the glow paint and place random dots on the ceiling covering one grid at at time. Make sure the dots are of different sizes, but the largest should definitely not be bigger than a dime! Take a look at the pictures here: and you will get the general idea.

5) Once the entire ceiling is done, you can now move onto the walls. Paint dots of random sizes on to all the exposed wall surfaces. Remember you don't have to paint the wall behind the mirror 'coz you won't see it when you turn the lights off, right?

The basic idea here is that when the room is dark, you should be able to see only the glowing dots of paint on the ceiling and walls of the room.

You can paint dots on the closet doors and other furniture if you like. This would create a fuller illusion of being totally 'Lost in Space' floating around on a space bed!

6) Once the walls are done to your liking, you can take the step ladder and the dropcloth/ sheets covering the floor and/or furniture out of the room.

7) Dilute a small quantity of the glow paint in equal parts of water. Shake thoroughly to mix really well.

8) Dip an old toothbrush in this mixture and sprinkle all over the carpet/floor of your room.


I am not sure about you but I find having to pay for web hosting as an irritating additional cost to my web business. For me, it is a bit like having to pay road tax. Perhaps I need to chill out a bit! I have now however found away to get around this frustration, a way which enables me to obtain web design with free hosting.

Some people think that I am a bit cheeky as I am always on the lookout for a bargain or a freebie; others think that I am just plain tight. In my opinion I am a bit of both. One day I used this cheeky part of my character in an attempt to obtain free web hosting.

I had contacted a man who was advertising his web design service in the yellow pages. I explained what I was looking for and I emailed him the content for my prospective new site. He stated that he would get back to me with a price.

Around two days this web designer phoned me to tell me how much it would cost, I was actually quite busy at the time and told him that I would get back to him. I had a feeling that this guy had hoped that I would just agree there and then and that he was slightly disappointed at having to wait.

Things were slightly manic on this particular week, my youngest son had food poisoning, my car had a temporary fault and I was snowed under with work. For these reasons I was unable to phone back the web designer to tell him to go ahead.

A week after phoning me to give me the quote, the web designer called me again and asked if I had decided to go ahead. I was quite taken aback by this and thought that the chap seemed quite desperate for business. Being aware that he probably had a reseller hosting account and taking advantage of the moment, I stated that I would if he could host the site for me on his server for free.

I was very pleased when he agreed to this offer and I have to say that I have not paid for web hosting since.


Driving back home from dinner in which you had a couple wine glasses to accompany your food, then being stopped by a routine expectation and being charged with driving under the influence may sound common but it does not have to. The truth is that there is more than one way to avoid being charged for a DUI. In cases such as the previous a DUI lawyer may very well completely dismiss your case from a court room if handled correctly. This article will better illustrate how a DUI lawyer may help you stay out of jail and for that matter out of a court room!

Getting the facts straight
It is a highly common scene where an officer conducts a field sobriety test to a driver, who then because he had only 1 wine glass admits to being guilty of driving under the influence. There might be a couple things wrong with this event, in which a DUI lawyer should examine and conduct research to understand what really occurred. For example, there are many cases where an officer conducted an improper field sobriety test, this results in that the case being completely thrown out of court. However not only can an officer commit a mistake but a DUI lawyer should advise a driver to never admit to any crime without actually understanding the law and understanding what the law considers a DUI is.

When choosing a DUI lawyer one should be careful and choose an attorney with the proper skills to handle your case. A DUI lawyer which has the most experience in handling these cases is always a good sign. Another strong point is having a DUI attorney that is aggressive in his case to protect your interests. And lastly and is what be the last strongest characteristic is to choose an attorney that will handle the case with the same passion he would like someone to handle his or her case.

Driving under the influence cases are extremely common in Massachusetts, that is why it important to have as most knowledge as you to be able to have the correct DUI defense Even though your first line of defense is always your DUI lawyer knowing the law and being able to handle yourself is always important. With further ado, it is also important to avoid falling into these situations and by having a designated driver to avoid being charged with a DUI.

Richard Wahlberg is Law graduate who is constantly finding the most accurate information on DUI defense. To find free guides and information on dui defense, and finding a proper DUI attorney, visit


An anxiety attack is what we would describe as rush of thriving urgency of overpowering fear that starts with no due announcement and without having any cause of initiating in the first place. After the attack commences it will reach its highest peak after about 60 seconds or so.

Anxiety Attack Disorder tends to affect people are normally in the age bracket of about 20 to 30 years of age. Anxiety disorder is believed to be as an urgent charging attack of fear, intense terror, or feelings of total devastation and this may strike without any warning and for reasons that are not detailed or explained.

Anxiety Attack Disorder is also quite often coupled with additional serious problems, such as depression, and perhaps intoxication. The disorder affects approximately three to six million US citizens, and is twice as likely to be affect women as opposed to men.

Anxiety Attack Symptoms: The Signs

At some stage in their life the average person may be affected to at least one panic or anxiety attack and it must also be noted that an anxiety attack is not some kind of disease that is caught, it is a medical condition that is produced.

If you are subjected to an anxiety or panic attack, you may feel your heart beating erratically, nausea, light headiness, tightening of the chest and perhaps even feelings of numbness around your body.Then there is the sensation of feeling that you have no control over what is occurring to you. A feeling of being Powerless. Even though there is no sure-fire reason for a panic attack, the symptoms always stay the same in all persons affected.

Care For Anxiety & Panic Attacks

One way of nursing panic attacks is so basic and is available to us at on demand. That method is common water and the reason why water plays such an essential part in the treatment of panic attacks is simply because dehydration is an essential factor in aggravating anxiety. This theory works on the basis that all hormones have the requirement to be elevated to work best; To do this our body must have water and plenty of it.

Support For Anxiety Sufferers

There is always support available for anxiety and it is just the case of contacting your doctor with details of what you are going through. Should you need it you may also qualify for financial aid.


There are any number of way sports collectibles and memorabilia can enliven and function within home office decor and design. That signed baseball perched atop the desk is more than a mere paperweight. It is a tribute to hard won success; an homage to playing as a team; it is the sign of a champion that bearing the signature of a champion as well. In short, that paperweight is a testimonial, a motivational tool that can serve in helping you reach your goals. So what better place than the home office?

Sports metaphors and in fact sports as metaphor have long functioned as inspiration and motivation in helping us identify and achieve our goals providing something of a touchstone along the way. While art tends to be decorative in nature, adding a splash of color to any setting, sporting pieces not only add color but are also aspirational.

Your choice of sport, team and player says can reveal as much about you as your choice in decor. While decor tastes can run from traditional to modern or more eclectic transitional themes and stylings, sports imagery can also provide a reflection of your work style in a home office decor setting.

By example individual sports are a reflection of hard work and endurance with a focus on personal accomplishment. Team sports provide visual allusion to working together to get the job done. No matter what the sport or who the team or the player sports, perhaps more than anything else is about success.

Accomplishment is about skill, talent, focus and endurance no matter what the setting be it the field, the arena, the stadium or the scaling the highest mountain. Be it in front of international audience, hometown fans or just the sense of accomplishment for yourself.

In a home office decor setting involving client contact, sports collectibles can function as an icebreaker, a conversation starter based on achievement and success, and serve to open the door to shared interests. Sports memorabilia can also serve to imply a sense of aspiration and confidence.

Finally, sports collectibles can serve as a starting point for your home office decor and design themes. Whether borrowing from team colors or the drawing from colors contained within the imagery, a multitude of ideas present themselves. Whether the blue and white of the Toronto Maple Leafs, or the verdant greens of your favorite golf course, color abounds in sports.

Sports memorabilia as the starting point for your home office décor is an opportunity to create an image of success and achievement.


So you want some investment stock market help to reach your financial goals? The stock market is one of the most intriguing financial investment vehicles in the world today, because of the incredible return on investment it can offer. Many people look at icons such as Warren Buffet or Peter Lynch, and think they can automatically do the same thing.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of investors never reach their financial goals through the stock market. Why do the vast majority of investors either lose money or simply not make enough on the market?

Quite simply, most investors don’t take the time to become financially educated about investment in the stock market, and simply trust others like a mutual fund manager or stock analysts to make their investment decisions for them.

The vast majority of investors view investing as simply buying the stock of a business, as opposed to investing in the business. They somehow think that these are two separate entities. In reality, every time you buy shares of the company, you are buying a part of that company.

If you were considering buying into part or all of a business, don’t you think you would probably want to know the companies’ financial statement and how it was doing currently, and its’ future potential for profits? Investing is no different.

With investment, you are buying into part of a business. Unfortunately, the vast majority of investors simply see investing as buying a stock price, and that the stock is somehow different than the company it represents.

While it is true that short term, the stock market price can be affected by factors that don’t have anything to do with the companies’ overall profitability, in the long run the market always values a stock according to its’ actual value. Therefore, you absolutely must be able to read a companies’ financial statement and determine its’ overall financial health before buying.

This topic is obviously well beyond the scope of this article; there are many great books on the topic. The best investment help for the stock market I can give you is to educate yourself financially, and you will make a fortune with your investments.

For more info on how to buy stocks, and tips for investing in the stock market, visit, a popular site that teaches how to make a fortune from your investments.


When an investor is scouting for potential bargain's in the markets, fundamental analysis will always take a top-down approach. Fundamental analysis will generally look at a number of different area's and these will be the national economy, at industry level, and at company level. Generally the term simply refers to the analysis of the economic well-being of a specific entity as opposed to only price movements.

By no means take this article as a be all and end all explanation of the process as it is a very broad discipline, but use it as a guideline on how to conduct the basics. Below I will briefly set out the basis for fundamental analysis for the three area's mentioned above earlier.

National Economy
Fundamental analysis in this instance is likely to focus on economic data principally produced by governments to assess the present and future growth of the economy. There are a wide variety of factors relating to fundamental's within the economy. Obvious economic indicators would include inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, debt and saving levels and consumer confidence. If you are already an investor you will know that publication's from the Fed or the Treasury with reference to any of these can have a profound affect on the stock market as a whole.

At the Industry Level
Fundamentals within this area are likely to focus on an examination of supply and demand forces for the products or services offered. Although this may seem vague in essence what the investor will be doing is trying to ascertain if it is viable to enter (invest his money) within a certain sector or industry. For example here in Britain the coal mining as well as ship building industries are both in major decline but there are still companies out there. Now if an investor was not made aware of this or did not conduct the appropriate research with reference to these sector's then they would have a higher risk of losing money.

At the Company Level
When a potential investor is conducting fundamental analysis this is the area that they will want to dedicate most of their time too. That is the individual company (the stock) they are looking to invest in. What an investor will be trying to do is determine if a stocks price is over or undervalued by focusing on underlying factors that affect a companies actual business and its future prospects. There are a variety of factors that a potential investor will be investigating. Examples of these will include business concept, management, competition and financial data. The majority of this information is readily available in the public domain through a variety of sources helping the investor to make a more informed decision.

So in this article we have gone over briefly the top down approach that an investor savvy in the process of fundamental analysis would use to pick a stock that the data would lead him too.

Oliver Gillies is a Trainee Sales Trader who has been working for a firm of stockbrokers in the City Of London for the last year. He also trades his own successful portfolio (11.5% in the last two months June-August). You can learn more by visiting his blog successful investors


The Tom Tom navigation system has become something of a household name with many of us owning one. As a result of this, thefts of the unit have soared and thieves will specifically target vehicles they know to contain one.

How, you ask, do they know you have a Tom Tom? Well in some cases this can be fairly obvious due to the cradle being left in the windscreen. Of course this is not something the majority of us would do but you may still be unwittingly leaving signs to be seen by all.

The most obvious thing and a fact many of us overlook is the suction cup marks left behind when the cradle is removed. I must admit to falling foul of this particular one myself. You’d think that it would end there but it doesn’t. Many versions of the Tom Tom now have Bluetooth to allow communication with a mobile phone. If you leave your Tom Tom switched on with the Bluetooth activated your device can be scanned for by a thief using a mobile phone. Regardless of whether you have hidden it in the glove box or under your seat it will still be found. I must add this also applies to certain laptops as the wireless Bluetooth technology is set as default to wake the laptop up when it receives a Bluetooth signal. This can be disabled if you know where to look within windows.

The latest scheme the thieves have come up with, if perhaps a fairly obvious one, is to follow a car home if they see it has a sat nav device and then steal the unit later in the evening. This is apparently becoming fairly common practice. Then of course there are those that simply chance their luck and break into several cars in one night in the hope the owner will have left the unit in the car. Also following in the same vein, do not enter you address as a take me home feature. If your Tom Tom is stolen the thief simply has to press “take me home” to be delivered to your door.

If you search for theft statistics you’ll find that in London alone 13,000 sat nav units were stolen last year resulting in many claims to motor insurance companies.

I would advise you check with your car insurance provider as you may only have theft coverage up to a certain level and this may not be enough to replace your device should it be stolen. You may be required to purchase a bolt on to your policy if you do not have enough coverage.

Things you can do; if your device is stolen you can register the serial number with the Tom Tom website, this may help track the unit down if updated or the traffic feature used. You can now also buy a strongbox which is simply a large metal lockable box which can be locked into your car to prevent theft of your device and any other valuables.

You can also help to crack down on the rapidly expanding market for stolen Tom Tom units by refusing to buy a unit without a box and instructions as this will have most probably been stolen.

13,000 sat nav units were stolen in the capital city last year alone according to data

Chris Rowlands - EzineArticles Expert Author

released by motor insurance companies.

Always ensure your car insurance provider offers you a high enough level of cover to replace your possessions should they be stolen.


If you’ve got some golf players coming to your wedding or bachelor party, then you should give them what they really want, and what you know they really want are some tools to help them improve their game or just some great keepsakes that reflect your understanding of their hobby or passion. Golf wedding favors are great gifts for your groomsmen, the guests at your bachelor party, any avid golfers at your wedding reception, or even yourself.

Plus, golf wedding favors are pretty out of the ordinary and you will impress your guests with your expertise in finding unique gifts and accessories for your social events. Using such unique wedding favors will certainly put your wedding into the favorites list in many of your guests’ memories. Giving out golf wedding favors can really bring out your personality or show your guests that you really care about the things they like to do; there’s no better way to say thank you to a golfers than with some new tools that will help them out on the golf course. Such unique items might be hard for you to find, so I’ve got a few examples here for you to check out and maybe you’ll find the gift that’s perfect for the occasion that you are trying to make the most special day of your life so far.

Golf Ball Set:
Each set features three balls, one black ball in a tuxedo image and two personalized white balls. The white balls say things such at “groom”, “best man”, or “groomsman”. The balls are packaged in a clear rectangular presentation case for anyone you want to give the Pro Grade 1 golf balls to. Your guests and groomsmen will certainly appreciate this addition to their golfing expertise.

Pocket Golf Tool:
This tool is almost ten inches long and will certainly be of use to whomever you wish to give it to in order to show them your appreciation. It contains divot repair tool, a knife, tool for tightening cleats, and a small brush accessory for cleaning the golf clubs after a great day on the course. You can even make this gift much more personal than ever with your choice of text for an added cost of only six dollars. This is certainly a precious gift to give to any avid golfer, especially groomsmen, the best man, the groom, or any other important golfers at your celebration.

Golf Tool:
The Golf Tool – Victorinox Swiss Army features a clip on the side for attaching the case to a belt or bag, and inside, it contains a ball marker, tee punch with groove cleaner, one-handed divot repair, a bottle opener, nail file, blade, tweezers, toothpick and scissors. The tool is three and a half inches long by one inch wide, so it is certainly sleek and easy to use.

Joe Palladino is the owner of Her Wedding Favors and offers fine wedding favors and unique bridal shower favors. All of his products are discounted, high-quality cheap wedding favors. You can find these wonderful golf wedding favors online for affordable prices.


We are in control of our own thoughts and our thoughts lead to our actions.

When you are discouraged, you could choose to fill your mind with negative, limiting thoughts that will deepen and intensify your discouragement. You have often accumulated many fears, false assumptions and self-limiting beliefs from the people around you, the people closest to you, so that you can feel like you fit in.

You can use your thoughts to break free of that discouragement.

Your thoughts have incredible power because they determine how you see yourself and your situation.

Your thoughts, powerful as they can be, are yours to choose. You alone have the power to change your thoughts and your perceptions.

By wisely choosing your own thoughts, you can find new positive energy even when you have previously been overwhelmed with weariness.

With your choice of thoughts, the difficult, challenging situations can be transformed into grand opportunities.

Turn your thoughts around and you can turn your life around, like turning a light switch on and off.

Put positive power into your thoughts and that power will spread to the world around you.

What you think of yourself and your world has an enormous impact on how you relate to and deal with life.

You can, in an instant, flip that switch and choose any thought you wish.

In every moment of life, choose the thoughts that will get you up and point you forward.

Then live out your life in abundance and prosperity as you bring those thoughts to life.

Mary Wozny

Mary Wozny is the author of "How to Build Your Families Million Dollar Real Estate Empire", specializing in providing quality training and information products teaching women, families, and investors how to accomplish their goals and build wealth with real estate, creatively, legally, with little risk. She is the founder of & showing people how to be vibrantly healthy, wealthy and financially free through real estate & residual income.


Cynthia Habberstad passed on purchase a primo parking spot at the posh Onyx Chelsea, a new 52-unit condo in Manhattan.

That when the going price was $165,000 for the slab of cement. The mother of three changed her mind a few months later only to find all the spaces had been taken. Now, the mother of three children is kicking herself.

The first two parking spots at the Chelsea sold for $165,000, the third for $175,000 and the last two fetched $195,000. Each space includes about $50 in monthly maintenance costs.

The demand for the spots in Manhattan is indicative of the situation throughout New York City, where parking fetches about the same price per square foot as actual living space.

According to Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants, the average parking space costs $165,019, or $1,100 per square foot, close to the average apartment price of $1,107 per square foot. A $200,000 parking space is about $1,333 per square foot.

There’s a waiting list for five private parking spaces for $225,000 in the basement of a 34-unit condo development scheduled for completion next January.

Parking in new developments is selling for twice what it was five years ago, said Jonathan Miller, an appraiser and president of Miller Samuel.

Although spaces in prime sections of Manhattan are the most expensive, even those in open lots and in garages in Brooklyn, Queens, Riverdale and Harlem are close to $50,000, although at least one new Brooklyn development is asking $125,000.

In other densely packed cities where space and parking are at premium, parking spaces in condos also tend to trade at high prices. In Boston, they can sell for as much as $175,000, and they go for as much as $75,000 in Chicago. In other cities, like Los Angeles and Dallas, most condos include parking in their prices.

With lenders offering six-figure mortgage financing for a parking space and demand increasing, there’s an interesting niche growing to conduct chain of title searches on individual spaces.

Bobbi Shorthouse, of Notary Services LLC in Connecticut, offers some advice on conducting a title search on a parking space. She suggests getting a copy of the map and circle the space searched. A situation may arise where the parking spaces on the map will not match the numbers on the spaces and are not being used by the correct owners.

“For many, many years and transfers, the owners didn't like where their spaces were, so they ‘swapped’ and re-numbered them to accommodate what the four ‘owners’ wanted,” Shorthouse said. “All the owners were content with the space they were using; spaces were the same cost, and our purchasers wanted the space the sellers were using — not the one they owned.

She said the group involved did not want expensive legal fees to correct something they didn't feel needed "correction."

“We protected ourselves by making certain we had records of the space deeded and that the purchasers were aware the space they were parking in was not the deeded space and the space that was conveyed to them,” Shorthouse said. “The abstractor gave us everything we needed to know on paper exactly what was what and where, which enabled us to discover when talking with the real estate agent and purchasers the discrepancy in the location of the space according to the recorded map. Without that map and asking about the location of the space and the "number" on the parking space, we never would have known.”

Jeremy Yohe is the editor of The Title Report, the title insurance industry’s up-to-date market intelligence publication. The Title Report provides knowledge regarding insider stories, interviews and company performance to assist in making important decisions in a changing workplace. The Title Report is a publication of October Research Corp., the nation’s premier provider of real estate news and analysis.


Over 1.4 million drivers in America were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during 2001. Because of different outcries form different organization such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) law enforcement officers have stepped up their enforcement of drunken driving laws. Las Vegas the home of casinos and entertainment has not fallen short either. That is why if you find yourself caught up in this crackdown it is important to find a DUI attorney. This article will help you better explore the legal side of a DUI and the importance of a Vegas DUI attorney.

If you are facing a drunk driving charge you could face steep consequences, such as jail or prison time, a heavy fine, and suspension of your driver’s license. That is why if you are facing these types of charges you should not under any matter hesitate to contact a DUI attorney. An experienced DUI lawyer in DUI defense and drink driving laws can explain the spectrum of possible punishments of DUI offenders and explain the different legal possibilities one can take to defend themselves. A Las Vegas DUI attorney should be able to easily advise on what the best course of action to take after being charged to avoid further persecution.

For example if you are stopped and an officer conducts a random sobriety field test on you and you admit to driving under the influence your case is very hard to fight because you have already placed yourself as guilty. Another example is that when approached to breath a breathalyzer and you refuse to take it, may result in automatic drivers-license suspension or revocation. Nevertheless a Las Vegas DUI attorney may fight that action by stating that refusing to take a breathalyzer does not automatically make you guilty of the charge.

Different states have different limits to considering someone as being a drunk driver. Most states consider that a 0.8 is the limit of their Blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) bloodstream after drinking alcohol. Even though 0.8 may be the official intoxication level many states may act differently when it comes to punishment and charging. A DUI attorney must have knowledge of the specific laws in Las Vegas in order to preserve a criminal defense and strike a fair battle in court.

There are many different ways to defend yourself from a DUI charge in Las Vegas, but for most your first line of defense is having a DUI attorney. Not only will you need a strong DUI defense from your DUI attorney, you will also need to understand and have a general knowledge of being charged with driving under the influence. Nonetheless, it is still important, to avoid these types of situations and when going to drink prepare yourself by driving a couple hours after you drink or by having a designated driver.

Richard Wahlberg is Law graduate who is constantly finding the most accurate information on DUI defense. To find free guides and information on dui defense, and finding a proper DUI attorney, visit


Certainly social anxiety & phobia is indeed a complex issue. People with social anxiety disorders have the following features: -

Fear that everyones attention is on them and everybody is watching them; Fear that they will make a blunder and everybody will be aware of it.

They are underestimated by thinking that everybody in this world is more capable than they are.

People with social anxiety disorder will feel anxiety and this same anxiety may lead to nausea, a sinking heart, sweating and blushing etc. This may then later result in a panic attack

There are some people who lose their confidence when dealing with people of authority such as employers or perhaps if you are a student you may be slightly overcome by your tutor. At the top scale of this is another important condition which is called acute panic syndrome and this condition people will cause the sufferer to feel fear of speaking in front of the public which may be characterized by sweating and a sinking of heart.

Social anxiety disorders arise in the childhood and early adulthood but these disorders are rare after the age of 25 years. Women are affected 2 times more than men and as we go further, we must differentiate between shyness and social anxiety disorders. Shy people do not feel as much anxiety as experienced by persons suffering from social anxiety disorders and people suffering from social anxiety disorders tend to avoid visiting public places.

There is an association of depression with social anxiety disorders and this can occur after a sufferer has been taking medicine to alleviate the condition. Drug dependence is common but it would seem that certain medicines are also helpful in treating the condition somehow. The medicines used for the treatment of social phobia are the type of anti depressant drugs named SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which include fluoxitine and paroxitine. Beta blockers may also be used for these treatment purposes with the most important being propanolol.

Social anxiety disorders lead to embarrassment for persons suffering from it and subsequently this same embarrassment may prove to be destructive for that person so it should be treated as soon as possible.

Anxiety can be effectively controlled using the right techniques. You are not alone. Visit the Anxiety Attack Disorder site right now for up to date help and advice.


Get The Most From Your Real Estate Investing Course --By Choosing The Right One For You

If you are interested in discovering all the insider secrets of real estate investing, the good news is that there is likely a real estate investing course that can teach you all the ins and outs of real estate simply and in minimum time. The problem? There are so many workshops, courses, and classes about real estate out there that choosing the right one can be a problem. To find the right real estate investing course for you, look for a course that offers:

1) A knowledgeable expert. The person teaching the course should be a respected real estate expert who has years of real estate investing experience.

2) A focus that relates to your interests. Whether you are interested in foreclosures, creative real estate strategies, buy and hold or fix and flip, make sure the real estate investing course you choose offers you specific information that will help you in that area.

3) A good format and price. Make sure that your lessons don’t eat up money that you could be putting into real estate. Also take the time to determine how you learn best. You can learn about real estate investing through workshops and online classes and or at local community colleges. Do choose a real estate investing course that you will enjoy attending in person or "virtually".

4) A good track record with other real estate students. Ask around and find out where other investors learned about real estate investing. Then, sign up for the real estate investing course or program that creates actual investors who are happy with the class experience.

Now that you know how to choose the right course, it’s happy back to school time for you!

To your successes!


As summer comes to a close and a new school year unfolds, we often neglect the toile a fun filled summer has taken on our skin and hair. Exposure to longer hours of sunlight, surf and chlorine can lead to a dry, dull appearance. Start your school year off with a glow using simple tips to revive and refresh post summer skin.

Tip 1 - Exfoliate

One of the fastest ways to revive and refresh post summer skin is to exfoliate. Often times, when exposed to environmental elements, the outer layer of skin cells can become tough and thick - leading to a dry, dull appearance. Exfoliation will reveal a healthy glow to your skin.

  • Feet & Body: Choose a gentle exfoliator such as a sugar scrub. Beginning with your feet, scoop a small amount of scrub and polish, moving up the legs until you reach your thighs. (be careful as your feet could be slippery) Continue to polish buttocks, back, stomach, and arms. Use brisk, flowing movements that aim towards your heart center.


So you’ve purchased small wedding favors or candy treats for all the guests at your party but you don’t know how to give them out in a fashionable, unique way. Well, here’s a suggestion: try using elegant boxes, drawstring bags, and display cases that you find while shopping online. Putting wedding favors into unique packages is a great way to make everything fit in with your vision of the perfect wedding and the theme that you have chosen for the most special day that you’ll share with your friends and family. There are so many more options when you can pick out the perfect package to give your very personal wedding favors to your guests in. Try sticking in little notes to commemorate your intimate connection with your guests and to demonstrate your immense appreciation for the fact that they have stood by you and supported you on your wedding day. Here are several examples of the amazing packaging options that you can choose from to add your personal touch to your wedding favors.

CD Size Glassine Envelopes:
Use these envelopes to put in CDs that you have personalized and decorated to match your wedding color scheme. You can put anything on these disks, from the enchanting music that you’ve picked for your wedding to the collage of pictures that you’ve collected over the years.

Beach Pails:
These pails can come in a variety of colors including blue, white, purple, and pink and can hold a variety of wedding favors, especially perfect for holding candies such as chocolates, Jordan Almonds, or conversation hearts. These beach pails will be an adorable addition to your beach themed wedding and each different color will add a little bit of panache to your wedding reception, regardless of your theme your guests will certainly love these. Try spreading other fun items around the tables like flip flop magnets or vibrantly colored confetti.

Blooming Flower Boxes:
These elegant yet realistic boxes are great for any wedding theme, especially one with lots of flowers or colors. The box is shaped like a blooming flower and you can stick anything you’d like in the top including chocolates, mints, messages, charms, and other small yet precious and thoughtful wedding favors.

Chocolate Colored Favor Boxes:
These richly colored two piece boxes will enhance any color scheme with their luxurious and deep chocolate color. Try decorating them with ribbons, glitter, confetti, or maybe even paints or pens. These come in a pack of 12 to make ordering and shipping as easy as a click. Putting these boxes filled with candies or trinkets will make your guests eager to sit down and open them up to see what’s inside.


The first 5 time management tips I wrote about were making your ebook a priority, writing down how you spend your time, not reading your emails when they come in, having someone else do your customer service, and hiring a virtual assistant. Here are 5 more ways to help you write your ebook now.

1. Get organized. It’s easy to waste time when you are disorganized. If you don’t know where your links and bonuses are it can take precious time looking for them. Instead create a notebook, alphabetize it and put each one where you can find it when you need it.

2. Get rid of clutter. That way it’s easy to find what you need when you need it without having to rummage through papers feeling like you’re looking for a needle in a hay stack! It will decrease your stress level and save time. And there’s enough stress in every day life so why create more!

3. Figure out what your peak hours are for ebook writing and other money-generating tasks and set them aside for that purpose. During that time, do not allow yourself to be distracted or interrupted by anyone or anything.

4. Do not take phone calls during the hours devoted to writing your ebook or any other money-generating activities. This will make you a lot more productive during the time that you are writing.

5. Systematize. It takes a lot of time and energy to do the same tasks from scratch each time. Create a system for each task and follow it. It will not only free up your time, it will make your life a lot easier!

You'll be amazed at how much more time you actually have when you use it efficiently and before you know it your ebook will be written!


Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation is frequently an important factor in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes. Many English Language Teaching Professionals need to follow a set curriculum and course book, while the learners want more dynamics, fun and games. That is those “learners” who even want to be in English class at all. So why not slip in one or more of these suggestions during the course of your class week? A quick break in the class routine should spice things up nicely as an aid to help liven things up and stimulate your unmotivated learners.

Here are five English classroom-proven ways you can be more dynamic and motivate your English as a foreign language learners.

1. Karaoke a song that the learners choose or bring in

Almost everyone loves music. Your musical preferences aside, use songs on occasion in class to perk up your learners by letting them suggest and select the songs you use. Okay, you can screen for objectionable content, lyrics or theme, but otherwise, let them run with it. I can guarantee they won’t pick the same songs that you would, but that’s the point.

2. Conduct the class (or part of it) in a location other than the classroom

An on-campus location such as a computer room, listening laboratory, library or audio-visual center, etc. can do wonders for motivating the learners. Besides availing yourselves of a variety of different activities such venues offer, it’ll break the boredom and routine of the normal class room setting.

3. Ask the Students to bring in a “Show and Tell” item to talk about in class

Yup. Learners still like this one – even adults. If you’d like to be “impromptu”, you can go around the room and ask for an “on hand” item from a pocket or purse. The idea is to use realia to stimulate questions, conversations and discussions. Hey, it always works for me. I‘m still occasionally astounded, by what my students carry around with them in pockets, bag or purse. I’ll just bet you wind up with a surprise or two, too.

4. Conduct a casual or informal conversation session with the students at an off-campus location

A change of venue can be a wonderful thing – for everybody involved. “My school won’t let me do that” you say? First, ask, the explain what you’re doing. Often, you’ll get your wish along with some surprising interesting suggestions from the administration. While you’re at it, ask the learners about some possibilities too.

5. Show a clip from a student-suggested movie or music video

“Okay, we’re going to use a movie in class. Can you recommend a good one?” When I pose this question to my learners, hands shoot up faster than Fourth of July fireworks. Suggestions bubble forth at rates that are alarming but indicative of the success of the upcoming activity. Let the learners bring in VHS cassettes, DVDs or other useable multi-media formats to help you make your selections. Both they – and you, will just love the outcome.


Keep trying to insert a greater dose of humor into your classes. Use comics, jokes and healthy doses of laughter with your learners. When your learners want more dynamics and more “fun and games” like mine usually do, drop in one or more of these quick dynamic activities into your class lessons and watch your learners attitudes light up.

If you have any short activities that your learners particularly like, drop me an e-mail. I’d love to hear about it.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in Cali, Colombia. For more information on entering into or advancing in the fascinating field of ELT send for his no-cost pdf Ebook, “If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here’s What You Need to Know”, send an e-mail with "free ELT Ebook" in the subject line. For comments, questions, requests, to receive more information or to be added to his free TESOL articles and teaching materials mailing list, e-mail:

Larry M. Lynch - EzineArticles Expert Author